"I don't want to drive up to the pearly gates in a shiny sports car, wearing beautifully, tailored clothes, my hair expertly coiffed, and with long, perfectly manicured fingernails.
I want to drive up in a station wagon that has mud on the wheels from taking kids to scout camp.
I want to be there with a smudge of peanut butter on my shirt from making sandwiches for a sick neighbors children.
I want to be there with a little dirt under my fingernails from helping to weed someone's garden.
I want to be there with children's sticky kisses on my cheeks and the tears of a friend on my shoulder.
I want the Lord to know I was really here and that I really lived."
— Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Sunday, May 31, 2009


So this little playhouse keeps the kids entertained alot. The other day they took their lunch and sat at the little table and were playing restraunt.

Alligator part2

A couple posts back I wrote about Hollie and the alligator she saw in the back yard. Well daddy caught it and they each got to pet it.

"I wanna do it!"

Itotally remember being about 4 or 5 and making my own sandwich. I had to take a picture of Hollie making her own sandwich. She love jelly ones and even cuts the crust off herself.

Big Girl

My cousin Amy recently had a baby and Hollie LOVES to hold her. She wanted to be everywhere the baby was and wanted to be the helper.

Strike a pose

I spent a week and a half in Palm Springs at my aunts house. The kids loved to be outside in the back yard. even when it was 100+ degrees out. One morning I went out and took some pictures. I can't wait to one day have a nice big yard.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dear Heavenly Father

Tonight during our prayers Hollie went first. Latley she wants me to say them for her. Tonight she fell asleep before I finished.
This is Trevors prayer:
"Heavy Fater, bless mommy and bless daddy and bless Hollie and bless Trevor and bless my tools and my hammer. Jesus Christ Amen
It was so cute I had to share.

FREE kittens

Hey all, My mother in law has 4 baby kittens that desperatly need a home. They are about 5 weeks old and we are still finding out the genders. If you want one or know someone that would want one let me know asap. They need to go SOON.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Love to see the Temple....

I'm going there on Tuesday May 26, 2009 for the first time.
That's right tonight I got my temple recommend. I'm so excited to go and am so thankful for all the support from all my family and friends.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I saw an alligator

The kids are both out side playing and Hollie comes running in the house yelling, "Mommy, mommy i just saw an alligator in the back yard." Of course she meant lizard but it was so cute. She said, "I've never seen an animal in our backyard."

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Painting of the derby cars

My car is just stained brown. May add something to it. not sure yet.

Lance's truck is blue with a white bottom.

Trevor's boat is orange

Hollie's car is a mixture of pink and purple.


Oh my Gosh!!!! A couple moths ago when I went to the New Kids on the Block concert Donnie was looking soooooo good. Back in the day I was a Joey fan and he's still cute. But oh my gosh Donnie is so dang good looking. What do you think. I think he won my heart when he winked at "ME" at the concert and said thank you. (we were that close that our eyes locked).
So who do you have the HOT's for?

Sunday, May 3, 2009


The past couple of weeks I have been substitute teaching Hollie's primary (Sunday school) class. Today we learned about being more like Jesus and what can we do to follow him. We ended up coloring these cute paper crowns that had King for the day and Queen for the day and then the kids wore them. We learned that we are all kings and queens. During primary a boy behind us was talking to Hollie and then all of a sudden I heard him say
the boy: your are not a queen

yes I am

the boy:
just because it says your are a queen on your crown doesn't mean you are a queen. (in a very mean tone of voice).

your not very nice and Jesus is gonna be sad.

the boy:
sat there quiet

I'm proud of her for sticking up for herself.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Home Depot Kids FREE workshop

This morning we went to Home Depot and made wheel barrows. It was alot of fun and FREE.

Friday, May 1, 2009

I <3 Edward

My friend Amber lives on this street. i just had to take a picture.

Pinewood Derby

Our ward is doing a pinewood derby and invited the families to participate. Lance has never done one and is going all out. he has cut all four cars and we all get to paint them. He is convinced that we are all gonna win. Well we have to see. Stay tuned for the finished cars. There is a boat and dragster a truck and an aero dynamic car.

Yay Trevor

So on Tuesday we went and bought Trevor his own potty and some Handy Manny and spider man underwear. After 10 minutes of being home he has gone potty in his new potty. He went about 4 more times that day. It's been smooth sailing ever since then. I have been putting it off cause "I" wasn't ready. But he so was. I don't even have to ask him if he has to go every 15 min. He just goes. He dissapears and I yell, "where are you Trevor" and he yells back, "going potty". I'm knocking on wood hoping I don't junx the progress. I'm so proud of him and so happy to not have to buy diapers anymore. yay

Mmm Mmm Mmm
