1. Where is your cell phone? ........................in my pocket
2. Your significant other?..............................off buying more fish
3. Your hair?...................................................blonde
4. Your mother? ............................................Cherie
5. Your father?...............................................Russ
6. Your favorite thing?..................................blogging
7. Your dream last night?.............................don't remember
8. Your favorite drink...................................mando/strawberry freeze from Taco Bell
9. Your dream/goal?.....................................buy a house
10. The room you're in?...............................living room
11. Your children?........................................Hollie and Trevor
12. Your fear?...............................................losing one of my kids
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years........hopefully in a bigger house and 90 lbs thinner
14. Where were you last night?..................My mom's house
15. What you're not?....................................perfect
16. Muffins.....................................................banana nut
17. One of your wish list items?..................new car with air conditioning
18. Where you grew up?..............................born in Utah but lived in california since I was 7
19. What you read last.................................box of rice a roni
20. What are you wearing?.........................clothes
21. Your TV?.................................................on with iCarly
22. Your pets?...............................................we have a cool salt water aquarium
23. Your computer? ....................................emachine
24. Your life?.................................................Hot
25. Your mood?............................................pretty happyl
26. Missing someone?.................................parents they have been in Hawaii for 10 days
27. Your car?................................................Honda civic
28. Something you're not wearing?...........shoes
29. Favorite Store?......................................Ross
30. Your summer?.......................................I hate summer. I don't like the heat
31. Like someone?........................................oh yah!
32. Your favorite color?...............................right now lime green and brown
33. Last time you laughed..........................yesterday
34. Last time you cried?.............................a couple of days ago
35. Dislike?...................................................anything that lives in the sea
36. Like?.......................................................watermelon and peaches
combi prospekt salzbergen
8 years ago
that was fun to read. It was different from all the other tags.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Sarah it's Emily, just wanted to thank you again for the vinyl lettering and for doing it so fast! My son's teachers and my Young Women LOVED them! I will be keeping in touch! What a cute family you have!
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