Halloween Door Hanger: $12.00
Provided will be routed wood with holes, black paint, and your choise of vinyl.
(pick a design from the blocks below)
Paper design will vary depending on what is available
(Ribbon not included)
Small Halloween Phrase Blocks: $4.50 each
I will have green, purple,orange, and white paint to choose from for these blocks.
(all vinyl lettering will be in black)
Black plate with "Wicked Witch" phrase: $8.00
(Stand Not Included...But it was purchased at Walmart, if you need one)
Let me know if you are interested in coming. Or if you would like to have a party in your home. You can email me at sticketydoodah@gmail.com or just leave me a comment.
Hope to see alot of you soon.
Hey all of those are soooo cute! If I happen to be in Cali when you do it I would love to join in but I don't think we are coming down until the the Wednesday night before the wedding. Brady and I really want to go to D-land but it is not really in our budget... it is so flipping expensive. Man I miss our passes! I think we might go to Knott's instead but it's not for sure. Can't wait to see everyone!
How fun! I would totally come if I was in CA. But Im not. Hope it goes well. It all is really cute!
That's it now i need to buy a ticket to Cali!!!!! I love those. As if I'm not missing you enough now I'm gonna be really missing you. love ya-bren.
I so want to come but I can't on Thursdays. Are you going to be doing one around Christmas time because I am thinking of doing some for really awesome Christmas gifts. Let me know because I am totally interested.
Dang it!! I will be coming down that weekend, but pry not till Saturday!! If by chance, I come early & can persuade my mom into babysitting (easy persuasion) I will come a runnin' to your place!!
will let you know.
Super cute!
And yes...I'm Sooooo happy that CSMP its over. My counselors were so super stressed about it because it was the first one they've participated in. The program was amazing! The kids did great and I felt good about my remarks too. Ya, we work for Moxie. Where do you live?
I will try to make it... Would you come down to the desert and do a craft night? If i promised there would be a lot of people?
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