A-Attached or single? Married 5 years this September
B-Best Friend? Molly, Jennifer, Melissa, Brenda, Corinne, Marie
C-Cake or Pie? Pie. I love banana Cream
D-Day of Choice? Saturday, no work and Lance is USUALLY home with us
E-Essential Item? Cell phone. when ever i forget it I feel naked. Same with make-up
F-Favorite Color? I really like brown and pink and brown and teal
G-Gummy bears or worms? prolly worms. But the sour ones. I like to suck all the sour off and then eat them.
H-Hometown? Moreno Valley, CA but I am a Utard. Born in Provo. Now I live in Riverside
I-Favorite indulgence? Getting pedicures
J-January or July? January... I HATE the summer
K-Kids? 2 Hollie and Trevor
L-Life isn’t complete without? loving and caring family AND friends, laughter
M-Marriage Date? September 13, 2003
N-Number of Brothers and sisters? 1 younger sister and 3 younger brothers plus one sister-in-law
O-Oranges or apples? I love them both
P-Phobia and fears? Losing someone, But i hate going in the ocean. Well any body of water that has things living in it! I also don't like to drive on bridges or under them. I'm affraid that the BIG One (earthquake) is gonna happen when I'm on one or under one.
Q- Quote? "My house was clean yesterday...sorry you missed it." It's so true. wink wink
R-Reason to smile? having a clean house. Or having everyone in the house in a good mood.
S-Season of choice?'s nice and cold. I hate HOT
T-Tag someone? Jennifer, Molly, Shalece
U-Unknown facts about me? Like Melissa I too have many holes in each ear, had my belly button pierced before kids of course and pierced my tongue (I know what was i thinking, DUMB!!!!) and have some artwork on my body too!
V-vegetable- I love fresh green beans and cooked carrots
W-Worst Habit? Biting my nails and procrastinating
X- Xray or Ultrasound? ultrasound. I loved seeing little beings moving inside me
Y-Your favorite food? Mexican I want it all the time
Z-Zodiac sign? Libra
combi prospekt salzbergen
8 years ago
well well thanks darlin!
fun learning more about you!
that was fun to read. You & I have lots in common :) except I hate cold weather!
that was fun to read... and how do you know Shalece?
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